The QA/QC program at outlines procedures and protocols encompassing the design and document preparation phase through the construction phase of our projects.
Program components include:
- Design phase protocols and calculation review
- A project document review process
- Establishment and adherence to standardized plan sheets, design details and construction
- specifications
- Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Standards
- Development and adherence to construction phase protocols
- QA/QC review process tracking and documentation system

In order to meet appropriate standards of care all project documents are subject to three different types of QA/QC reviews:
- Peer Review
- Specialty Review
- Review by project lead QA/QC Team
All technical documents – plans, specifications and reports are reviewed and checked in detail by experienced and qualified personnel prior to submittal.
A general review of the overall design philosophy and approach is also completed by a designated QA/QC Team at multiple project phases to ensure the design effort progresses in accordance with the appropriate project approach and good landscape architecture and engineering practices.